Tilicho Lake – World’s highest altitude Lake
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Tilicho Lake – World’s highest altitude Lake

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Tilicho Lake – World’s highest altitude Lake

Tilicho Lake is a stunning body of water situated at the highest elevation in the world, standing tall at 4,919 meters. This lake is also a popular trekking destination that falls within the Annapurna Conservation Area. The journey to Tilicho Lake begins with breathtaking natural scenery, and walking through a narrow, muddy lane alongside yaks and local people adds a unique flavor to the experience. As trekking is a physically demanding activity, it’s essential to carry high-calorie dry foods to maintain instant energy. The cool air and crystal-clear panoramic views of nature are awe-inspiring. Along the way, the journey is further enriched by the sight of the finest deep gorge, high peaks, and the massive Annapurna range.